2020年COVID-19疫情侵襲全球,世界各國進入緊急狀態,紛紛封鎖邊境,管制國門進出。淡水文化基金會在疫情期間,雖仍繼續舉辦淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節,卻也不得不暫停邀請外國詩人到臺灣來參加2020淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節,其後2021年及2022年的情況,亦復如此。直到今年疫情趨緩,臺灣及各國政府陸續宣布解封,我們才有機會向三年不見的外國詩人朋友們發出邀約,請他們在9月到臺灣來參加2023淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節。 淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節的舉辦,緣起於詩人李魁賢的倡議,淡水文化基金會很感榮幸,能夠和李魁賢老師合作,結合世界詩人運動組織、淡江大學、真理大學、淡水社區大學與淡水忠寮社區發展協會自2016年9月開始舉辦淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節,連續七年,未曾中斷。李魁賢老師親自擔任詩歌節總策劃,負責聯繫及邀請每一年度參加淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節的外國詩人和本國詩人,大家共同承諾要帶著詩作來參加詩歌節、要在詩歌節的大會期間全程參與交流,並要在詩歌節結束後能為淡水詩歌節寫詩。李魁賢老師也親自擔任總編譯,將國內外詩人帶來參加詩歌節的詩作編成《詩情海陸》詩集,在大會前出版;在詩歌節結束後再接續將國內外詩人為淡水詩歌節所寫的詩作編成《福爾摩莎淡水詩選》詩集。 從2016淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節到2022淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節,我們共出版《詩情海陸2016》、《詩情海陸2017》、《詩情海陸2018》、《詩情海陸2019》、《詩情海陸2020》、《福爾摩莎詩選2016淡水》、《福爾摩莎詩選2017淡水》、《福爾摩莎詩選2018淡水》、《福爾摩莎詩選2019淡水》、《福爾摩莎詩選2022淡水》及《淡水五年詩選2016 - 2020》等11本詩集,這也成為淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節的文化特色。我們非常感謝李魁賢老師,這些年來李魁賢老師為詩歌節不計代價,全年無休的辛苦投入,堪稱是淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節的最大貢獻者。 大家決定自今年起由詩人林盛彬接手詩歌節總策劃工作,林盛彬老師也慨然答應,勇於任事,在接手後積極聯繫邀請今年度參加淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節的外國詩人和本國詩人,同時展開《福爾摩莎詩選2022淡水》及《詩情海陸2023》的編譯出版作業,令人佩服! 2023淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節大會已訂於9月21日至9月27日在淡水舉行,今年的詩歌節我們將邀請12位外國詩人與25位本國詩人在詩美之鄉-淡水相會,大家真心對待,吟詠詩情海陸,祈願世界平安! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world, and all the countries entered a state of emergency, initiating lockdown of their borders and restricting access. Although Tamsui Culture Foundation continued to hold the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui during this period, invitation for foreign poets had to be suspended for the event in 2020, and similarly in 2021 and 2022. The situation has finally come to an end this year, and various governments, including Taiwan, ended the lockdown, which has finally allowed us to extend an invite to our foreign poet friends whom we have not seen for 3 years, to once more attend the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui in 2023. For seven consecutive years, the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui has been held, all starting from the poet Dr. Lee Kuei-Shien’s drive to promote the event. Tamsui Culture Foundation have been very honored to be able to collaborate with Dr. Lee since the inaugural festival in September of 2016, as well as being able to partner with the Movimiento Poetas del Mundo (PPdM), Tamkang University, Aletheia University, Tamsui Community College, and Tamsui Zhongliao Community Development Association through the years. Dr. Lee took charge as the curator of the Festival, personally contacting and inviting the foreign and local poets to attend the Festival every year. The invited poets all promised to bring their work to the festival, to participate and interact with one another, and to write poems related to the festival after they have returned home. The works submitted by participating poets before and after attending the Festival were also edited by Dr. Lee to create the “Poetry Feeling in Sea and Land” collection published before the event, and the “Anthology of Formosa Poetry Tamsui” after the Festival. From the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui in 2016 to 2022, the Festival has published “Poetry Feeling in Sea and Land”(2016-2020), “Anthology of Formosa Poetry Tamsui” (2016-2019, 2022), and the “Anthology of Poetry in Tamsui, 2016-2020”, totaling 11 collections. These are the culture showcases for the Festival, and we are very appreciative of Dr. Lee Kuei-Shien’s endless effort that was put into the Festival, working nonstop year in and year out to promote the event. There is no doubt that he has been the biggest contributor and driving force behind Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui. It was decided that from 2022, fellow poet Dr. Lin Sheng-Bing, would take over as the curator of the festival. Dr. Lin had kindly agreed to take up the reins from last year, and has been active in contacting and inviting poets from home and abroad for this year’s Poetry Festival, while also, admirably, have took over the editing and publishing of “Anthology of Formosa Poetry Tamsui 2022”, and “Poetry Feeling in Sea and Land 2023”. The Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui 2023 is set to take place from September 21-27. This year’s festival has invited 12 foreign poets and 25 Taiwanese poets to meet at the home of poetry – Tamsui – and we hope to see everyone wearing their poetic heart on their sleeves, to recite and sing the poetic feeling on the land and in the sea, and wish peace unto the world!