從2020年世紀病毒大流行開始,因邊界管制,外國詩人無法進入臺灣參加淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節,因此只能採取線上活動。去年共有14個國家的15位詩人分享了線上朗誦詩作的錄影,所有的詩作也都編入委由淡江大學出版中心出版的《2022淡水福爾摩莎詩選》,並於今年五月正式出版。今年,全世界的邊境幾乎都已不再對Covid-19確診者實施隔離,也因此又恢復了以往的詩歌節模式。 今年有來自12個國家的12位詩人、五位音樂家,和一位眷屬參加此次盛會。因為參加者的特殊性,讓今年的國際詩歌節活動變得有點特別,包括肯亞傳統音樂家演奏的肯亞部落傳統音樂、墨西哥Zafiro四重唱演唱的墨西哥歌謠,以及義大利詩人歌手的再度參與。 今年有來自阿爾巴尼亞、哥倫比亞、希臘、義大利、日本、肯亞、墨西哥、摩洛哥、祕魯、薩爾瓦多、西班牙、烏茲別克等國。雖然其中有多位擁有其他國家的居留權或是歸化國籍者,我們還是將其母國標示出來。而其中有幾位已來過臺灣參加淡水福爾摩莎國際詩歌節,因為今年由李魁賢老師幫他們翻譯,威秀出版的外國詩人詩集出版,所以也特別邀請那幾位外國詩人與會,包括來自摩洛哥–義大利的達麗拉•希雅奧薇、希臘的瑪莉雅•米斯翠麗奧悌和哥倫比亞的溫斯敦•莫拉雷斯•查華洛。這樣實質的國際交流,對國內外詩人來說,都是一個深具意義的交流模式。 今年詩歌節的開幕式,在淡江大學文錙音樂廳以音樂會的形式舉行,除了前述外國音樂家,也有臺灣的綠豆芽合唱團和杜守正老師分別為李魁賢詩作譜成的歌曲《奉獻》和《茨後一欉茄苳》、淡江教職員合唱團演唱的臺灣歌謠。當天下午也在淡江大學圖書館舉辦一個由參加詩人提供的詩集、李魁賢捐贈的珍貴藏書展開幕,其中也包括今年國內外詩人的詩作,由文錙藝術中心張炳煌主任安排以e筆書法展出。 今年淡水國際詩歌節,也試著重新把國內外詩人帶入淡水地區部分中小學交流,希望此舉有助於擴展我們下一代的世界觀。還有忠寮社區的詩歌步道、瓦片詩寫作,都有助於讓淡水成為真正的「詩美之鄉」。今年也在殼牌倉庫展覽廳策劃了一個以在淡水地區從事藝術創作者為主的聯展,並請詩人為畫寫詩,進行詩與畫的對話,我們也很期待這些活動可以逐漸提升淡水成為一個具有特色,國內外知名的文化城市。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the beginning of the pandemic COVID-19 in 2020, due to border control, foreign poets cannot enter Taiwan to participate in the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui, so we can only conduct online activities. Last year, a total of 15 poets from 14 countries shared the video of reciting poems online, and all the poems were compiled into the 2022 Tamsui Formosa Poetry Anthology published by Tamkang University Publishing Center, and officially published in May 2023. This year, the borders of the world have almost no longer quarantined people diagnosed with Covid-19, So we're going back to the previous mode of the International Poetry Festival. This year, 12 poets, 5 musicians, and a family member from 12 countries participated in our event. Because of the particularity of the participants, this year's International Poetry Festival became a bit special, including traditional Kenyan tribal music performed by Kenyan traditional musicians, Mexican ballads sung by the Mexican Zafiro Quartet, and the Italian poets and singer. This year we have invited poets from Albania, Colombia, Greece, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, El Salvador, Spain, Uzbekistan. Although many of them have the legal residency or naturalized in other countries, we still mark their home countries. Several of them have already been to Taiwan to participate in the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui. Just because their bilingual collection of poems published recently, translated by Dr. LEE Kuei-Shien, so we also invite them to come to Taiwan again. those poets include Dalila Hiaoui from Morocco-Italy, Maria Mistrilioti from Greece, and Winston Morales Chavarro from Colombia. Such substantive international exchanges are a profoundly meaningful mode of communication for both native and foreign poets. The opening ceremony of the Poetry Festival holds in the form of concert in the Wenzi Musical Hall of Tamkang University. In addition to the above-mentioned foreign musicians, there are also the Sprout of Mung Bean Choir and Mr. TU Shou-cheng, they have composed the songs "Dedication" and " A Bischofia behind the house " , poems of LEE Kuei-shien. In the afternoon of the same day, a collection of poems provided by the participating poets and a collection of precious books donated by LEE Kuei-shien hold in the Tamkang University Library. The exhibition also included the poems of each poet for both native and foreign poets, which were exhibited in e-pen calligraphy by director Chang Bing-huang of Wenzi Modern Art Center. This year, we are also trying to bring poets to some primary and secondary schools in the Tamsui District for exchanges, I hope that it will help expand the worldview of our next generation. There are also the poetry trails and writing poetry on tile in the Zhongliao community. All of that will help to make Tamsui a real "land of beautiful poetry". This time, we also planned a joint exhibition focusing on art creators in Tamsui in the Shell Warehouse Exhibition Hall, and invited poets to write poems for the paintings, and have a dialogue between poems and paintings. We also look forward to these activities can gradually improve Tamsui into a distinctive, well-known cultural city both in Taiwan and around the world.